Nothing like your birding trip getting started before you even get out of the yard. The list of what you will see can sometime begin before you put your car into drive. First on my list was the female American Redstart that landed on a pine bough before I even backed out of the driveway. Her brilliant yellow against the black tail was quite the contrast...The weather on … [Read more...] about Starting off the List with an American Redstart!
Contentnea Creek Grifton
Getting Complacent Yields the Blue Grosbeak!
I'm truly ashamed...seems we in North Carolina hear and see some of our birds so much that we hardly give them the attention that we do other birds. Today was no different. Walking along the trail was what seemed to be Cardinals or sparrows making their sounds. But quickly, things took a turn...a "Blue" turn...when the sounds didn't match what I was looking at making them, I … [Read more...] about Getting Complacent Yields the Blue Grosbeak!
Inviting a “Non-birding Friend” to Go Birding with You!
What do you do when a "non-birding friend" comes to visit and you want to go birding? You take them...ahumm...birding...I mean kayaking! In my particular situation, we could surely accommodate both, still have a great time paddling AND birdwatch, too! We loaded up the kayaks (see below ordeal about me deciding NOW was the time to install new seat covers) and went down to my … [Read more...] about Inviting a “Non-birding Friend” to Go Birding with You!
When the Swallows Come Back to… CONTENTNEA CREEK?
You've heard of the annual return of the swallows to the Mission San Juan Capistrano in California, right? Well, let me tell you about ANOTHER return. Every year like clockwork, the Cliff Swallows and the Barn Swallows return around the week before or after Mother's Day in May... to the EXACT same mud puddle... just off the James Cameron Bridge that goes over Contentnea … [Read more...] about When the Swallows Come Back to… CONTENTNEA CREEK?
Stumbling upon the Motherload of Great Egrets!
For the many years as I've observed this particular "Jane Birding Hotspot," I have NEVER observed any Great Egrets there at any time of year before. Without any effort, my truck magically pulled a "super U-eee" at a nearby path to check this out! Great Blue Herons, Green Herons, Red-Shouldered Hawks and Red-Headed Woodpeckers were gathered in the fray there, … [Read more...] about Stumbling upon the Motherload of Great Egrets!